Sunday's for me are general, joyous occassions, with the Superbowl being the culmination of all things wonderful about the glorious football season. And because I love throwing a party, I do it up right at my house. If you are invited for a party, you are in for a real treat! Below is a little sampling of just why everone is so damn lucky to be at my house for the SuperBowl.
Buffalo Chicken Bites
These things are phenomenal, like blow your mind good and so easy to make!! The original receipe (on my pinterest page) calls for making your own dough, but I pick up a few cans of phillsbury cresent rolls and voila, dough.
I freakin love this stuff, I add a few tomatoes to mine and presto, a fabulous tasting dip.
Pineapple and Turkey Bacon Pizza
Mine has BBQ sauce base, a can of pineapples, and about 1/2 pound of turkey bacon. I use a healthy mix of fresh mozzerella and fresh Gruyere cheese.
Veggie Pizza
BBQ sauce base, and 1 can each of Black beans and corn, and a chopped tomato. I also sprinkle a little fresh pressed garlic on there too SO GOOD. I usually use only mozzerella for this one, but added Gruyere last time and it was delicious.
Dessert this year is where we knocked it out of the park:
Chocolate covered oreos
I melted dark chocolate (found at Micheals) then smothered my oreos, let them cool in the frige for a few hours and served 'em up
Chocolate blueberry clusters
OHMYGOD these are AMAZING. Same idea as the oreos, melt the chocolate, put in a handful of blueberries at a time into the chocolate, place on parchment paper and pop in the fridge to cool for a few hours.

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