I feel it appropriate that my first post on this blog actually be about the pair of shoes that inspired it's name. I should preface this whole thing with the fact that I love stuff. Lots of stuff, not like junk in my house kind of stuff, but clothes and shoes and accessories stuff. I have so much, and yet, I simply cannot stop myself. UPS shows up at my house three times a week, I am certain the neighbors think we are having an affair. What can I say?, there is just something so.... satisfying about ripping open a new box full of fabulous looking and overpriced goodies. You all know what I'm talking about, that moment when you rip something out of the plastic and fall in love.
Well that's exactly what happened with my brand spanking new
Kate Spade Charm Sandals. The moment I saw them I felt the love that women feel for their children when they are just born and gooey and the Doctor hands them over. At least I'm pretty sure that's what I felt, I don't have kids so that's as close as I'm probably coming to that magical moment. And in case you don't know what I'm talking about, here is a picture of them
Gorgeous no?!